Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Response to Denotation, Connotation and Myth

There were many conflicting and varied opinions given along with several examples, so I'm going to speak to what i found most interesting. I liked the concept that all signs, objects, words and symbols have a connotation in some capacity. that there is nothing that exists that can give us some sensory signal or directive without also imparting to us some connotative information as well. everyone and everything has some level of additional meaning and relation to something that is recognized by people in different ways. I also found the description of the myth an interesting concept. that as a culture we will distill all the connotations, thoughts and feelings about a particular subject, object or image down to the simplest and easiest to digest package which is then accepted as the natural and most logical meaning for it. We sift out all the details which actually give the thing its power and meaning and strip them away to make the simple, black and white categorizations easy labels to attach to everything.

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