Sunday, October 5, 2008

place part 3

I disagree with the idea of places such as Disneyworld or airports are placeless or pseudo-places. while these places may feel fleeting or ephemeral to most people, it is only because most people are un-knowledgeable and unfamiliar with them. Places people pass through to get to other places, or fabricated places like theme parks are places to those who spend the time to know them. for the guy who walks around Disneyworld all day long dressed as mickey mouse the park is a very real place. just like a stretch of highway that millions of people drive over every day year might not seem like a place to those people, but for the guy who cuts the grass in the median, or the repair crews doing construction all summer, its a place like any other. The book often touches on the subjectivity and personal relationship to individuals that make places so hard to pin down; a place to one person isn't a place to another. this to me is the contradiction to the arguement of placeless places. just about everywhere on earth is a place to someone.